Hello World

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu

Here we are.  I have done the unthinkable and built yet another blog site.  There have been a lot.  I’ve been writing drivel on the internet since before LiveJournal.  There are Tumblrs, Blogspots, and others that I’ve forgotten about.  I tried out Medium before it got its act together (wait…did it?), and even thought Facebook Notes could be a thing (oh man, don’t ask me for stock tips either). 

I’d like to think this is different because I am different.  But, only time will tell.  I’m excited to have a place to share art and ideas.  I’m excited to finally be a person who isn’t ashamed to call the things I do “art.”  I’m glad to be a person who isn’t embarrassed by having ideas; at least not anymore.  While I don’t think I’m unique or better than anyone, I am proud of who I am. And, I have a sneaking suspicion that you are a person who can be proud of who you are, too.