What is Redwork Creative?

Let’s Find out Together

REDwork Creative is the “product(?)” of Ruth Davis (for now).  It developed out of the many interests Ruth has and the need for some type of conceptual bucket to corral them all.  When she tried to figure out a logical direction for content and curation, she just couldn’t and so a “bucket” was necessary to vaguely bring it all together.

REDwork Creative, as a website, is a tool to communicate.  Sometimes, we hope to communicate with others, and sometimes we hope to communicate with ourselves.  Ruth wants to do both.

Ruth and Troy Davis

Who is Ruth Davis?

Just another human

Ruth is, first of all, very uncomfortable talking in the third person.  Second, she is a child of the universe enamored of her parentage.  Third, she likes ordinals and uses words that are just too big to not sound pretentious.  Finally, when asked what she liked the most, she used to say “I like to build.”  That’s still true, but she’s a little less compulsive about it now (and also a little more).

She is also VERY grateful to have found a partner who supports most of her shenanigans.  Maybe even all of them.

What’s In a Name?

The Story of a lifetime

The name, REDwork Creative, comes from three concepts meeting one another to become something.  Those include RED which represent Ruth’s initials – something she’s just come into and is very happy about; a lifelong relationship with embroidery fostered by important women in her life and respect for one of its subcategories, redwork (more about that later); and, the ambiguity of the word “creative.”  What exactly is a creative? A person?  An organization?  Adjective or noun?

REDwork Creative is meant to evoke the idea of space; space to wonder, experiment, pause, be curious, and get messy.

Shevlin redwork featuring bird bath